Want a quick overview of all the physical therapy schools in Arizona? However, you want more than an incomplete list of Arizona Physical Schools with just an address and phone number? In order to meet your needs, we have developed an easy to understand format including useful graphs and key data of all the Arizona physical therapy schools. Below you can find quick hitting facts to guide you in your search for the top physical therapy school in Arizona for you. Remember, since each student has different needs and different qualifications we have designed Top Physical Therapy Schools to help you rank each school to your own profile. It provides the most comprehensive filter on the Web that allows you to choose among 28 factors that affect your admission choice including: cost, GRE stipulations, GPA scores, degree requirements, observation hours, and graduation statistics.
Quick Facts
Number of Physical Therapy Schools: 5
Public: 2
Northern Arizona University
Northern Arizona University-Phoenix
Private: 3
Arizona School of Health Sciences
Franklin Pierce University-Arizona
Midwestern University-Glendale
CAPTE Accredited: 5 of 5
PTCAS Members: 5 of 5
Estimated School Cost
Text or Graph with simple facts
Text or Graph with simple facts
Text or Graph with simple facts
Text or Graph with simple facts
NPTE Pass Rate or Graduation Rate – years might not be equal
Quick Arizona Links
Arizona Physical Therapy Association
Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy
For a more complete review of each doctor of physical therapy program check out their profile page. Each page is full of direct links to the DPT program and other data sources to help you make an informed decision of which program is right for you. All program can be compared to each other with our comprehensive filter system called Top Physical Therapy Schools.
Written By:
Stephen Carnazzo