The mean GPA scores for physical therapy schools highlight some interesting facts about the differences between male and female applicants. As we have seen in previous articles, there are a number of gender associated demographics, one of which is a higher female acceptance rate. As a refresher, a total of 6,112 males applied to PTCAS in 2012-2013. This comprises only 39.1% of the entire class.
Furthermore, only 2,665 males were accepted, dropping the male ratio even further to 37.1% of the total population. Meanwhile, 9,486 females applied which is 60.7% or ~ 3/5ths of the applicant pool. A full 4,503 females were accepted, raising the female acceptance rate to 62.8% of the total student body. In this article, we will outline some of the main differences in GPA scores between genders in the 2012-2013 PTCAS applicant class that may have a direct impact on who gets in and who doesn’t. It should be noted that the average GPA scores are across all 160 PTCAS participating programs, and do not reflect just one specific program or non-PTCAS programs.
Females GPA’s are Higher
The mean undergraduate cumulative GPA for all male applicants is 3.26. While the accepted cumulative GPA rises to 3.47 for males, the average undergraduate cumulative GPA for all female applicants is already 3.38. The mean accepted cumulative GPA stands at 3.58 for females. That is a full 1.1 points higher than accepted male students.
Since the number of female students is nearly 3,400 more than males, the undergraduate cumulative GPA averages for all students rises above their combined male scores, but below the average female scores. The mean undergraduate cumulative GPA for all applicants rises to 3.33, while the accepted student ratio is just .04 points below the female accepted average scores.
The mean undergraduate cumulative GPA for accepted female applicants is a full 1.1 points higher than accepted male students.
Females Have a Higher Science and Math GPA
The mean combined Science and Math GPA for all male applicants is 3.07. This average rises by .07 among all female applicants to 3.14. The number jumps in both genders when we examine accepted Science and Math GPA’s. The applicant GPA rises to 3.35 for males and to 3.43 for females. This correlates to almost a three point difference for both genders. Similarly, when combining the genders, the GPA rests at 3.11. This only to rises to 3.40 for the accepted applicants which just .03 lower than female accepted average.
The mean combined Science and Math GPA for accepted female applicants is 3.43, while the same mean drops to 3.35 for accepted male students.
Incremental Increase: The Past Five Cycles
Both the average undergraduate cumulative GPA and the combined Science and Math GPA have had incremental increases over each of the past 5 PTCAS cycles. In addition, each cycle has also had an increase in applicants who participated, starting with just 6,112 students in 2008-09 to 15,616 students in 2012-2013.
This steady increase may also have widened the pool of quality applicants which in turn raised GPA ratios. That said, the mean undergraduate cumulative GPA for all applicants rose from 3.28 in 2008-09 to 3.33 in 2012-13, and the mean combined Science and Math GPA rose from 3.04 to 3.11 in the same period. Also, the mean undergraduate cumulative GPA for accepted GPA PTCAS applicants increased from 3.45 to 3.54. The combined Science and Math GPA rose from 3.28 to 3.40.
Take Away
What should you take away from these physical therapy school GPA scores and figures? First and foremost, you should strive to be in the accepted ranges in both cumulative and Science and Math GPA’s in your gender. To really increase your odds, aim to be above the accepted ratios for females as they are the highest of all the figures. Second, If you need to raise your GPA, strongly consider retaking classes.
Each program has a policy on how this will affect an applicant’s scores, so plan ahead and research carefully before you apply. Third, if you are done with all your classes, and still have doubts about your GPA, apply to programs that have a history of accepting lower GPA scores. You can research every school by taking advantage of our two interactive filters linked in the box below. Finally, plan to enhance other aspects of your profile to overcome issues with your GPA.
For additional GPA guidance, download the free PT Success Guide. Also visit our two search engines, School Search Page where every school is listed with a quick filter system. and My Top Physical Therapy Schools with accepted GPA data.
Written By:
Stephen Carnazzo
Reference: Report of the American Physical Therapy Association. (2013). Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service 2012-2013 Applicant Data Report: 2012-13 Admissions Cycle for the 2013 Entering Class: Retrieved July 12th, 2014, from Source Link